Fetchs ennemis Zendikar
Posté 25 September 2009 - 13:43
Je paierai mes fetchs moins chers.
Posté 25 September 2009 - 14:10
Sait on jamais, ce sera peut être rentabilisé
Posté 25 September 2009 - 14:21
Posté 25 September 2009 - 14:44
Des vielles cartes ok, mais des ancestral recall et bilands O_o c'est dingue Enfin si c'est un booster sur 30 boites ca va pas arriver à tout le monde
Posté 25 September 2009 - 19:34
Ca sent vraiment le gros fake...rien de plus...
Posté 25 September 2009 - 19:49
Edit : D'accord merci. Je n'avais pas fait attention.
Modifié par Mouarf, 25 September 2009 - 19:52 .
Posté 25 September 2009 - 19:51
La maturité de l’homme : cela veut dire retrouver le sérieux que l'on avait au jeu, étant enfant.
Posté 25 September 2009 - 20:22
un certain Mr. S a dit :
Posté 25 September 2009 - 21:50
Bon...admettons que ce soit pas un fake...pourquoi en ce cas gardent-ils le secret si c'est commercial?
M'enfin une carte tous le 26 displays...ça en devient anecdotique...c'est une moyenne de pratique(par rapport aux cartes trouvées)ou théorique(annoncée)?
Bon ben demain on va voir au moment des ouvertures si on entend un cri de joie dans la grande salle...
Posté 25 September 2009 - 22:40
EDIT : tiens, si tu veux, j'ai même mieux :
Q: I heard that there are vintage cards in Zendikar boosters - is it correct?
A: Yes, certain authentic vintage cards have been inserted in some booster packs for Zendikar.
Q: Are the vintage cards real? Or are they reprints?
A: These cards are actual original cards, not reprints.
Q: How many vintage cards are in the set?
As a general policy, we don't disclose collation for a given card set. There are over 90 different vintage cards.
Q: Why did Wizards insert vintage cards in Zendikar boosters?
A: The cards fit the game play and theme of the Zendikar set which is about 'deadly perils and priceless treasures'.
Q: Which vintage cards did you insert?
Consistent with the game play and theme of the set, we included some of the most powerful cards in Magic's history.
Q: Can I play these vintage cards in a tournament?
A: These vintage cards retain their current status in the tournament environment. They are allowed in certain organized play formats that can be found on www.magicthegathering.com.
Q: Are vintage cards inserted in all Zendikar boosters? Including reprints?
Vintage cards, like all cards in Magic, are not available in all packs. We do not disclose collation information.
Q: Are vintage cards inserted in Magic Online Zendikar boosters?
No. No vintage cards are inserted in Magic Online Zendikar boosters.
To recap:
Yes, vintage cards are in boosters. Yes, they're originals, not reprints.
No, you can't play in your limited Zendikar event with pre-Zendikar cards.
No, we can't talk about which cards, how many have been inserted, or where they came from.
Yes, the MTR already covers this somewhat new situation (foil Lightning Bolts in Nemesis, anyone?).
If someone opens a "priceless treasure," they should keep it and enjoy. The truck with the "deadly perils" boxes had a horrific accident, so the only deadly perils this weekend are the traps across the table from you.
DCI Judge Coordinator
Wizards of the Coast
Organized Play
Modifié par Jo_la_loose, 25 September 2009 - 22:56 .