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GHENT - OUTPOST OPEN - 21-22-23 Juin

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#1 Vinzlar

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  • 158 messages

Posté 12 June 2013 - 11:51

Outpost Open Ghent Image IPB

We had one in Outpost Antwerp, we had one in Outpost Brussels, and now it's time again forOutpost Ghent to have its Outpost Open, a celebration of all things Magic, a full weekend long.
On Friday June 21st, we start with a Super FNM, that very much deserves this name. How else would you call a draft using Modern Masters boosters, and giving away promo stuff like Lotus Cobra, Maelstrom Pulse and Cryptic Command ?

We start this insane Draft at 20h00, the subscription fee is 25 euro.

The inspiration for our Saturday comes from the 'old' Nationals format. Players (and we expect a lot of them, so be smart and pre-register) will compete over X Swiss rounds in Standard and Modern Masters Draft. Winner takes two full boxes of Modern Masters, and best of all, rares and mythics in the Draft will not be redistributed !

On Saturday we start at 11h00, entry fee is 35 euro.

To conclude in style, we have a Legacy Tournament on Sunday. On top of a lot of nice Legacy playables, we will also give away boxes of Modern Masters for the top-2. Just as on Saturday, you get triple Planeswalker Points for this event.

On Sunday we start at 11h00, entry fee is 20 euro. Please note that we open one hour earlier for registration.

Modifié par Vinzlar, 12 June 2013 - 11:52 .