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Notes, Tables de side et communication

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1 réponse à ce sujet

#1 Celestil

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  • 420 messages

Posté 08 June 2015 - 09:44

Ayant la mémoire d'un poisson rouge, je ne sors jamais sur un "gros" tournoi sans mes tables de side.

1/ Ai-je le droit de les consulter :
a) à tout moment d'une partie ?
B) au moment du Side ?
c) Jamais ?

2/ Si je peux les consulter mon adversaire a-t-il accès à ces documents ?

Association Le Cercle des Mages _ Saint Raphael (Var) : https://www.facebook...16723215021549/

#2 Saumon

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Posté 08 June 2015 - 17:10

Réponse B ), oui c'est mon dernier mot Jean-Pierre. Tu peux utiliser tes tables de side entre deux parties, mais pas pendant. Ces notes doivent être limitées en taille (les règles précisent pas plus d'une feuille ou deux).

L'adversaire n'a pas à avoir accès à ces notes.



2.11 Taking Notes
Players are allowed to take written notes during a match and may refer to those notes while that match is in progress. At the beginning of a match, each player’s note sheet must be empty and must remain visible throughout the match. Players do not have to explain or reveal notes to other players. Judges may ask to see a player’s notes and/or request that the player explain his or her notes.
Players may not refer to other notes, including notes from previous matches, during games.

Between games, players may refer to a brief set of notes made before the match. They are not required to reveal these notes to their opponents. These notes must be removed from the play area before the beginning of the next
game. Excessive quantities of notes (more than a sheet or two) are not allowed and may be penalized as slow play.


EDIT2 : La mémoire de poisson rouge c'est mal. La mémoire de Magicarpe, c'est mieux. B)

Modifié par Saumon, 08 June 2015 - 17:36 .